We all have our favorite products and brands, we are also always asking each other about recommendations. So recommend products and sites to your fellow TBS members and the general public so we can earn donations and your fellow community members can order what you find to be a great product or company. Links to this page will be in the Tidbits as well as other correspondence.
Items and brands that are recommended by TBS members, if the links or codes are used TBS will receive an affiliate fee.
TBS member recommendations
Stores and Products
- Suggested by member Peggy T
- Suggested by member Dan G
The Makers Havurah Recommendations
Stores and Products
Creality store 3D printers and supplies
- Store Link
- 50% off Get 2KG PLA Filament
- Back To School Sale-Up To 40% Off —-US Store
- K2 Plus Combo with Multi-color Printing
- HALOT-MAGE S 14K Resin 3D Printer
- CR-Scan Raptor 3D Scanner 10% OFF Code: RAPTOR10
- Ender-3 V3 Plus 3D Printer
- Falcon2 Pro 60W Pro-safe Laser Engraver & Cutter Falcon2 Pro 60W +10% Cashback
- Back To School Sale-Up To 40% Off —-UK Store
- Save extra 50 for order over 900 code: TIER50
- Save extra 100 for order over 1700 code: TIER100
eSun store 3D filament and resin
- 10% coupon code plus a referral fee to TBS: TempleBethShira
- Referral link for fee to TBS and can use other coupons: https://esun3dstore.com/?ref=yutdvupo
Men’s Club Recommendations
Sisterhood Recommendations
You Had Me at Chai (TBS Singles) Recommendations
The Jazz Havurah Recommendations
The Photography Havurah Recommendations
The Social Action Havurah Recommendations and Donations
- Diaper project wish list links TBA